Widevine Encryption
Shaka Packager is used for encrypting content and offers seamless integration with Widevine, making it a popular choice for ensuring secure delivery through the Widevine DRM technology. Shaka Packager
Shaka Packager Command :
To encrypt your content, you can utilize Shaka Packager by running the following command :
packager \
in=https://static.testpress.in/BigBuckBunny.mp4,stream=audio,output=audio.mp4 \
in=https://static.testpress.in/BigBuckBunny.mp4,stream=video,output=h264_360p.mp4 \
--enable_widevine_encryption \
--key_server_url https://app.tpstreams.com/api/v1/<org_code>/widevine_key/ \
--content_id <content_id> \
--signer testpress \
--aes_signing_key <WIDEWINE_AES_KEY> \
--aes_signing_iv <WIDEWINE_IV> \
--mpd_output video.mpd
Name | Type | Description | Required |
org_code | string | The organization code for API endpoint | Yes |
content_id | string | The unique identifier for the content (Should be a random UUID generated you. This UUID will be used for getting licenses for that video.) | Yes |
WIDEVINE_AES_KEY | string | The AES key used for Widevine encryption | Yes |
WIDEVINE_IV | string | The initialization vector (IV) for Widevine encryption | Yes |
WIDEWINE_AES_KEY , WIDEWINE_IV and org_code will be provided by us.
Check out this repository for encrypting a video with a Widevine license DRM Video Processing