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Fairplay Encryption

This section provides an introduction to Fairplay Encryption, explaining its purpose as a DRM (Digital Rights Management) technology used to secure content delivery on Apple platforms.

Shaka Packager Command :

To encrypt your content, you can utilize Shaka Packager by running the following command :

To obtain the FairPlay Encryption Key, IV, and URI, please check this Fairplay Encrption Keys

packager \
in=,stream=audio,output=audio.mp4 \
in=,stream=video,output=h264_360p.mp4 \
--enable_raw_key_encryption \
--keys "label=:key_id=<content_id>:key=<key>:iv=<IV>" \
--protection_scheme cbcs \
--protection_systems Fairplay \
--hls_key_uri <HLS_URI> \
--clear_lead 0 \
--hls_master_playlist_output video.m3u8


content_idstringThe unique identifier for the content (Should be a random UUID generated you. This UUID will be used for getting licenses for that video.)Yes
keystringThe key used for Fairplay encryption . Check Fairplay Encrption Keys for how to obtain this key.Yes
IVstringThe initialization vector (IV) for Fairplay encryption . Check Fairplay Encrption Keys for how to obtain this IV.Yes
HLS_URILinkHLS_URI for encrypted content using FairPlay on Apple devicesendpoint Check Fairplay Encrption Keys for how to obtain this HLS_URI.Yes

Obtain FairPlay Encryption Keys:

This API allows users to obtain a FairPlay encryption key. It provides the necessary functionality to acquire the encryption key for ensuring secure content delivery on Apple's platforms.



org_codestringThe organization code for API endpointYes
request bodystringYou need to include the request body, which contains both request and signature data. You can refer below for instructions on how to generate itYes

To obtain the request body please check this Generating Request Body

sample request body:

"request": "eyJjb250ZW50X2lkIjoiY2Y2YzMwZGQ1MGMxNDkyZTgyMzQ0ZWEzZTEzOWRhMWQifQ==",
"signature": "NsBcxxchrA7tFw/O86SCM5hwiM6Np/+JnZgjlV0vRyo="


"iv": "f70bce4094fd4612abac60d9809c5b0c",
"key": "3ab60de900d64edf9cb25a76f81794e6",
"uri": "skd://e5573f8bb8ac47ea839a65beae73263d",

Generating Request Body:

This step requires your secret key and initialization vector (IV) . you can obtain the signature field by performing the following steps in Python

import base64
import binascii
import hashlib
import json

from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES
from Cryptodome.Util.Padding import pad

def generate_signature(data, key, iv):
hash = hashlib.sha1(data.encode()).digest()
cipher =
padded_hash = pad(hash, AES.block_size, style="pkcs7")
signature = cipher.encrypt(padded_hash)
return base64.b64encode(signature).decode()

key = "xxxx" # AES Signing key
iv = "yyy" # AES Signing iv
data = {
"content_id": "cf6c30dd50c1492e82344ea3e139da1d"
data = json.dumps(data, separators=(',', ':'))
signature = generate_signature(data, key, iv)
result = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(data.encode())

post_data = {
"request": result,
"signature": signature


'request': 'eyJjb250ZW50X2lkIjoiY2Y2YzMwZGQ1MGMxNDkyZTgyMzQ0ZWEzZTEzOWRhMWQifQ==',
'signature': 'JzwEMcwgf4Tp1b6o5x0HbM08o7PuXA6XnwTmWeHF0g4='

Check out this repository for encrypting a video with a FairPlay license DRM Video Processing