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Widevine Configuration

Through Widevine Configuration , we can specify the desired Widevine license specification within the license request.

This API requires encoded_data in query param for authentication.



player_payloadstringPlayer license key message encoded into base64 String.Yes
widevinejsonSee the Widevine table below for available fields.No

To learn more about Widevine parameter





A track type definition, Options are

  • AUDIO - audio tracks
  • SD - 576p or less
  • HD - 720p, 1080p
  • UHD1 - 4K
  • UHD2 - 8K


Security level for content key specs, Default = 1.

  • 1 - Software-based whitebox crypto is required. (SW_SECURE_CRYPTO).
  • 2 - Software crypto and an obfuscated decoder is required. (SW_SECURE_DECODE).
  • 3 - Key material and crypto operations must be performed within a hardware- backed trusted execution environment. (HW_SECURE_CRYPTO).
  • 4 - Crypto and decoding of content must be performed within a hardware- backed trusted execution environment. (HW_SECURE_DECODE).
  • 5 - Crypto, decoding, and all handling of media (compressed and uncompressed) must be handled within a hardware- backed trusted execution environment. (HW_SECURE_ALL)


Output protection options for HDCP Options:

  • HDCP_V1
  • HDCP_V2
  • HDCP_V2_1
  • HDCP_V2_2
  • HDCP_V2_3

Sample Payload:

"player_payload": keyMessageInbase64,
"widevine": {
"content_key_specs": [
{'track_type': 'SD', 'security_level': 1, 'required_output_protection': {'hdcp': 'HDCP_V1'}},
{'track_type': 'HD', 'security_level': 1, 'required_output_protection': {'hdcp': 'HDCP_V1'}},
{'track_type': 'UHD1', 'security_level': 1, 'required_output_protection': {'hdcp': 'HDCP_V1'}},
{'track_type': 'UHD2', 'security_level': 1, 'required_output_protection': {'hdcp': 'HDCP_V1'}},
{'track_type': 'AUDIO', 'security_level': 1, 'required_output_protection': {'hdcp': 'HDCP_V1'}}

You can obtain the Encoded data by performing the following steps in Python:

Generate Encoded Data

import base64
import binascii
import hashlib
import json

from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES
from Cryptodome.Util.Padding import pad

encoded_content_data = generate_content_data(<content_id>)
signature = generate_signature(encoded_content_data)
data = {"content_data": encoded_content_data, "signature": signature}
data = json.dumps(data, separators=(',', ':'))
encoded_data = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(data)

To generate encoded data you need to fetch content data Generating Content Data and signature Generate Signature

Generating Content Data:

You can obtain the request field by performing the following steps in Python:

import json
import base64
def generate_content_data(content_id):
data = {
"content_id": content_id,
"download": true/false,
"drm_type": "widevine/fairplay"
data = json.dumps(data, separators=(',', ':'))
return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(data.encode())
# The result will be eyJjb250ZW50X2lkIjoiY2Y2YzMwZGQ1MGMxNDkyZTgyMzQ0ZWEzZTEzOWRhMWQifQ==

Generating Signature:

You can obtain the signature field by performing the following steps in Python:

import base64
import binascii
import hashlib
import json

from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES
from Cryptodome.Util.Padding import pad

def generate_signature(data, key, iv):
hash = hashlib.sha1(data.encode()).digest()
cipher =
padded_hash = pad(hash, AES.block_size, style="pkcs7")
signature = cipher.encrypt(padded_hash)
return base64.b64encode(signature).decode()

key = "xxxx" # AES Signing key
iv = "yyy" # AES Signing iv
data = {
"content_id": "cf6c30dd50c1492e82344ea3e139da1d"
data = json.dumps(data, separators=(',', ':'))
signature = generate_signature(data, key, iv)


org_codestringThe organization code for API endpointYes
content_idstringThe unique identifier for the content (Should be a random UUID generated you. This UUID will be used for getting licenses for that video.)Yes
AES_SIGNING_KEYstringThe AES key used for Widevine encryptionYes
AES_SIGNING_IVstringThe initialization vector (IV) for Widevine encryptionYes

AES_SIGNING_KEY , AES_SIGNING_IV and org_code will be provided by us.

You can retrieve the organization code and DRM keys by making a GET request to the API. Organization

Security Considerations:

The recommendation is to invoke the DRM license endpoint on the server, rather than on the client. This precaution is taken because passing the License configuration and calling it from the client could expose configurations to users.