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Player Parameters

About Player Parameters

Player parameters are query parameters that you can append to the playback_url to configure the player's behavior. These parameters allow for a customized playback experience by controlling features such as mute, autoplay, looping, and more directly through the URL.

Parameters Overview

The following query parameters can be added to the playback_url to control the player's settings:

ParameterData typeValuesDescription
backgroundString'1' or '0'Enables or disables background mode. '1' enables it, '0' disables it.
mutedString'1' or '0'Mutes or unmutes the player. '1' mutes the player, '0' unmutes it.
autoplayString'1' or '0'Controls autoplay. '1' enables autoplay, '0' disables it.
loopString'1' or '0'Enables or disables loop mode. '1' enables looping, '0' disables it.


These parameters are appended to the playback_url in the format key=value. Multiple parameters can be included by separating them with an ampersand (&).

Example Usage

Detailed Description

  • background: Controls whether the player operates in background mode, useful for scenarios where the video should continue playing in the background.
  • muted: Sets whether the video should start muted. If set to '1', the video will begin without sound, which is especially useful in autoplay scenarios.
  • autoplay: Determines whether the video will start playing as soon as the player is ready. Setting this to '1' enables autoplay.
  • loop: Defines whether the video will automatically restart from the beginning after it finishes. A value of '1' enables looping.

Sample format

<div style="padding-top:56.25%;position:relative;"><iframe src="{{asset_id}}/?access_token={{access_token}}&autoplay=1" style="border:0;max-width:100%;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;height:100%;width:100%;" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0"></iframe></div>

Embed on your site

Now you use constructed iframe code in your code to embed the video.


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