Start the scheduled live stream
To Start a server for the scheduled live stream you need to send an HTTP POST request to the API Endpoint, with the authentication Header.<organization_id>/assets/<str:asset_id>/start_server/
For valid requests the API server returns a JSON:
"title": "Data science Live class",
"bytes": null,
"type": "livestream",
"video": null,
"id": "8XGEEj6ptnB",
"live_stream": {
"rtmp_url": "",
"stream_key": null,
"status": "Not Started",
"hls_url": "",
"start": "2024-10-05 15:30:00",
"transcode_recorded_video": true,
"enable_drm_for_recording": false,
"chat_embed_url": "",
"resolutions": [
"parent": null,
"parent_id": null
This will start the server for specified live stream
Above response has the details of the live stream started which can also be obtained by API /api/v1/<organization_id>/assets/<asset_id>/
- The live stream server typically takes around 20-30 seconds to start.
- Once it's up and running, both the "rtmp_url" and "stream_key" will become accessible.
To automatically receive rtmp_url and stream key as soon as the server is established,Create a Web Hook.
After successfully registering the webhook, you will receive an updated webhook response.